App Analysis Reports of Hot Malware

During coronavirus, Cerberus Trojan use fake coronavirus propaganda page to conduct phishing attacks. Cerberus trojan allows an attacker to take over an infected Android device, giving the attacker the ability to conduct overlay attacks, gain SMS control, and harvest the victim’s contact list etc.
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XLoader trojan poses as legitimate Facebook or Chrome applications. They are distributed from polluted DNS domains that send a notification to an unknowing victim’s device. The malicious apps can steal personally identifiable and financial data and install additional apps. XLoader can also hijack the infected device (i.e., send SMSs) and sports self-protection/persistence mechanisms through device administrator privileges.
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Anubis trojan steals login credentials and financial information from banking apps in the infected Android devices. It has capable of hijacking a specified Activity, and once it determines that these apps are open or being used, the attacker can abuse the WebView feature to display the apps’ content on a web page. This can then be used to carry out overlay techniques to steal payment data or used as an attack vector for phishing.
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